I never really grew out of my "I want to be Super Woman phase". Before I continue I'd like to mention that my left middle finger is paralyzed due to a fatal accident that I'd say was a run in with a mystical creature, but really it was a more fatal run in with a stubborn door (Why am I having such difficulty with these doors here!?) Anyway, my temporary handicap has left me with a greater obstacle of typing this post, but for all of you I will do my best and awkwardly tip tap my way
through it :)
Ever so dainty, after a less than graceful evening. |
That water made me wish I was a mermaid. No different from any other day. |
Just Want to Fly
Super heroes have quite the lifestyle, saving the day, living two lives and getting to wear colorful tights. I've always wanted to be one. (Yes for the cool wardrobe) In truth, it's hard to explain but since my days on the playground, watching the big kids cut in front of the littles whilst in line for the slide, I've wanted to be a hero. (Cape optional, but always a nice touch)
We now enter |
I tried my best to be the hero. Sharing my animal crackers turned to sharing my notes and now I think sharing smiles just isn't enough. We're closing in on exams here, ("we're" I won't be participating in such educational exploitation) but as the date gets closer the class is getting more and more stressed. Literally I feel my own muscles tensing as I watch them struggle through the hours of study. How can this be, this happiness homicide? I've already attacked the educational system so let's keep this on a positive route.
I found him, my Spanish prince has arrived. |
Damsels in Distress
Whether it's my "We should be alive!" American Teenage spirit or my "Make me a super hero!" Childhood mindset, I'm feeling the need to do something for them. Something, period. It's like my rollercoaster of an exchange year is slowing down and I'm not sure why. Is the fact that I can navigate the bus systems, or that I can ask for una cerveza, sin problema? That's it! I'm comfortable.
After so mnay google earth pictures, you're finally real! |
Beautiful piece of artwork, yes, I mean the Pepper. |
I always have my cape, ready to save the day, even in the smallest way. |
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